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All countries with more developed industries attach great importance to standardization work because they bring quality, efficiency and efficiency to the industry. The hollow extrusion blow molding machine is a special forming tool product. Although it is highly personalized, it is also an industrial product, so standardization work is very important.

China's hollow molding machine standardization system includes four categories of standards, namely: basic standards for blow molding machines, process quality standards for blow molding machines, standard for blow molding machine parts, and technical standards related to the production of blow molding machines. The standard of the hollow molding machine can be divided into the standard of the hollow molding machine, the standard of the plastic injection molding machine, the standard of the die-casting hollow molding machine, the standard of the forging hollow molding machine, the standard of the fastener cold-drawn hollow molding machine, and the drawing hollow. Ten categories of molding machine standard, cold extrusion blow molding machine standard, rubber hollow molding machine standard, glass product hollow molding machine and automobile die standard. At present, there are more than 50 blow molding machine standards in China with more than 300 standard numbers and 14 general-purpose devices and 244 varieties of automotive die parts, with a total of 363 standards. The formulation and promotion of these standards have improved the standardization and level of China's blow molding machines.

The standardization work of the hollow molding machine mainly includes the production and application of the standard parts of the hollow molding machine of the hollow molding machine technology standard, as well as the promotion, implementation and promotion of relevant standards. The standardization work of China's blow molding machines started late, and the promotion, implementation and promotion efforts are small. Therefore, the standardization of blow molding machines lags behind production, and it lags behind many industrially developed countries in the world. In the developed countries of hollow molding machines, such as Japan, the United States, Germany, etc., the standardization work of blow molding machines has been nearly 100 years old. The formulation of hollow molding machine standards and the production and supply of standard parts for blow molding machines have formed a perfect system. The standardization work of China's blow molding machine was only started in 1983 after the establishment of the National Blow Molding Machine Standardization Technical Committee. At present, there are about 20,000 blow molding machine production units in China. The production of blow molding machines has been greatly developed, but it is still unsuitable compared with industrial production requirements. One of the important reasons is that the standardization level and level of blow molding machines are not. high.

With the increase of international exchanges, the development of the domestic production of imported blow molding machines, and the proposal of the international standards for the supporting blow molding machines of the three-funded enterprises, on the one hand, attention has been paid to the adoption of international standards or foreign advanced national standards in the formulation of standards. Including the adoption of advanced enterprise standards; on the other hand, many standard manufacturers of blow molding machines, according to market needs, in addition to the standard parts of hollow molding machines produced according to Chinese standards, and also produce standard parts of hollow molding machines according to the standards of foreign advanced enterprises. For example, the standards of companies such as Japan's "Futba", the US "dme", and the German "Has Kao" have become popular in China.

The concept of "standardization degree of hollow molding machine" often mentioned in the hollow molding machine industry is quite complicated, which is different from the "standardization degree" commonly used in the mechanical industry. The latter can generally be measured by the standard component adoption rate, while the former is often referred to as “the coverage of the standard parts of the hollow molding machine”. Due to the late start of the standardization work of China's blow molding machines, the production, sales, promotion and application of standard parts for blow molding machines are also relatively backward. Therefore, there are many problems such as small variety specifications, untimely supply and poor matching of standard parts of blow molding machines. As a result, the coverage of blow mold standard parts has been low. In recent years, although the proportion has been greatly improved due to the involvement of foreign-funded enterprises, it is still very low in general. According to preliminary estimates, the current ratio is roughly between 40% and 45%. The international average is more than 70%, of which medium and small blow molding molds are above 80%. Due to the nature of China's blow molding machine enterprises and the region in which they are located, there is a big difference in the coverage of standard parts for blow molding machines. Foreign-funded enterprises are higher than other enterprises, and enterprises in the South are higher than those in the north. This is the most obvious in Jiangsu. Jiangsu has concentrated a large number of foreign-funded enterprises, which have led to the transformation of other corporate concepts and the development of the market. Therefore, the use coverage of standard moldings for hollow molding machines in Jiangsu's hollow molding machine enterprises is much higher than that of hollow molding machines in other regions. Carrying out the standard of the hollow molding machine and adopting the standard parts of the hollow molding machine can not only effectively improve the quality of the hollow molding machine, but also reduce the production cost of the hollow molding machine and greatly shorten the production cycle of the hollow molding machine. Relevant statistics show that the use of standard parts for blow molding can save the company's blow molding machine processing time by 25%-45%, and shorten the production cycle of the blow molding machine by 30%-40%. With the development of multi-variety, small-volume, individualized and fast-cycle production of industrial products, in order to improve the rapid response capability and competitiveness in the market economy, the production cycle of the blow molding machine becomes more and more important today, the standardization of the blow molding machine The meaning is even more significant.