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The quality of the hot runner of the automatic blow molding machine

As the name implies, the difference between the cold runner and the hot runner surface lies in the cold and heat. The cold runner is the basic form of the injection molding automatic blow molding machine . The so-called cold runner is a conventional injection molding automatic blow molding machine. After the injection is finished, there is a conglomerate in the flow path that needs to be taken out!

  With the reduction of resources, competition in the market, and the rise in raw material prices, it is very necessary to make a fuss about the issue of saving materials. This is also an important reason for the emergence of hot runners, which can be said to be an inevitable outcome of the development of social industrialization. 

  The emergence of hot runners solves the problem of resource waste and cost saving, and at the same time, it has achieved relatively large results in the injection molding process. The hot runner has gradually developed into the general direction of the development of injection molding automatic blow molding machines, and will surely be popularized! Due to cost accounting problems, many small and medium-sized fully automatic blow molding machines have not applied hot runners, and a small amount of materials must be injection molded by cold runner automatic blow molding machines. 

  Therefore, there are cold runners and hot runners in the injection molding machine. In addition to the different injection molding processes, there are the following differences.