1 min read

Prevention of deformation of moulds of blow molding machine during heat treatment

1. Under the premise of ensuring the hardness of the mold, try to use pre-cooling, staged cooling quenching or warm quenching.

2. Changping heat treatment recommendations. For precision and complex molds, the nitriding heat treatment plant recommends using vacuum heating quenching and cryogenic treatment after quenching as far as possible.

3. For some sophisticated molds, pre-heat treatment, aging heat treatment, quenching and tempering heat treatment can be used to control the precision of the mold.

4. When the nitriding heat treatment plant repairs the defects such as sand holes, pores and wear of the mold, the cold welding machine and other small heat-affecting repair equipment are selected to avoid the deformation during the repair process.

5, the mold structure design should be reasonable, the thickness should not be too disparate, the shape should be symmetrical, experts said that for large deformation of the mold to master the deformation law, reserve machining allowance, for large, sophisticated complex molds can be combined structure.

6. Precise nitriding of precision and complex molds to eliminate residual stress generated during machining.