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How to control the temperature of a blow molding machine when processing plastic bottles

Processing plastic bottles with a hollow blow molding machine This is a common processing project in plastic processing. So where are the important points to pay attention to in this process? What I want to tell you is temperature. The temperature is crucial for processing plastic bottles. When operating a blow molding machine, you must pay attention to some temperature control to ensure that a suitable plastic bottle is manufactured.
No flow temperature: The highest temperature at which no flow occurs under a certain pressure. It is to add a certain amount of plastic to the barrel at the upper end of the capillary rheometer die, and heat it to a certain temperature. After the temperature is known, the new 10MIN is applied, and a constant pressure of 50MPA is applied. If the material does not flow out of the die, the material temperature will be released after the pressure is released. The difficulty is increased by 10 degrees, and a constant pressure of the same magnitude is applied after the temperature is kept for 10 minutes, and so on until the melt flows out of the die, and the temperature is reduced by 10 degrees, which is the non-flowing temperature of the material. Flow temperature TF: refers to the temperature at which the amorphous polymer changes from a highly elastic state to a viscous flow state. It is the lower limit of the processing temperature of amorphous plastic.