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Four major misunderstandings in the testing of hollow blow molding machines

There are four prominent points in the testing of hollow blow molding machines:
First, the lack of cooperation tacit
Equipment units and mold units must have a cooperative and tacit relationship, and each has a division of labor to jointly develop products. The request is made by the host unit, and the mold unit is developed, and the two are coordinated. In the case that the mold is still not well understood, in order to save the development cost, the mold is manufactured by itself, and as a result, not only the surface quality of the product is not up to standard, but also the image of the host unit is adversely affected.

Second, the technical level still does not meet the requirements
Hollow blow molding machine molds are different from injection molding molds and have their own characteristics. In the mold of the blow-molded hollow plastic molding machine, the key is that the material of the mold has special requirements for its performance, the heat expansion and contraction coefficient is small, the heat transfer efficiency is high, the thermal conductivity is high, and the structure of the mold is in the form of a hot runner. From the current level of China's mold technology, it is still impossible to develop a mold for producing a blow-molded hollow plastic molding machine that meets the quality standards. It is understood that some mold factories do not know which material to use for the mold, how can we develop high-standard molds?

Third, the lack of investment
The lack of investment in the mold unit has made the mold technology level undeveloped. The molds developed in conjunction with the blow molding machine must be repeatedly tested on the main machine until the requirements are met.

Fourth, there are misunderstandings in development ideas
Development of hollow blow molding machines, companies only focus on host development, ignoring mold development. The combination of the host and the mold, from the importance of the host and the mold to the whole machine, the host only accounts for 40% of the whole machine, and the mold accounts for 60% of the whole machine. Successful host development does not mean that the development of the whole machine is successful. Only when the host and the mold are jointly developed successfully can we say success. Only paying attention to the development of the host, it is not acceptable, only the two at the same time development, coordination can make the host, the mold to do better!