1 min read
During the blow molding process of the blow molding machine, the conditions of the container during molding are divided into the following three types.

In the blow molding process of a hollow blow molding machine , there are three types of conditions when the container is molded:

1. The hollow vessel, it is mainly for packaging liquid material, also sometimes used for packaging a number of solid substances, during typical type of goods are typically blow molded container and rolling the container, the minimum volume of hollow plastic containers only a few milliliters. And special large rotomolding container up to tens of cubic meters, the use of hollow plastic containers up to a capacity of several hundred milliliters plastic bottle.

2. The turnover box is a box container for the storage and transportation of parts and components during the production or production process, which is different from the usual plastic packaging materials. Turnover boxes are often used repeatedly, and one-time use.

3. Thermoformed cups and other containers. Such small containers formed from a sheet prepared by heat, characterized by a thickness ratio of quasi uniform, making convenient, low cost, commonly used in food packaging materials.