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First, the host factory and the mold factory lack cooperation


    The main engine factory and the mold factory must cooperate, and each of them has a division of labor and joint development, each taking risks. This is the experience of developing a blown blown hollow plastic molding machine abroad. For example, Nippon Aoki Co., Ltd. and Nippon Nissei Co., Ltd. all have mold factories for them. The main engine factory requests them, and the mold factory conducts research and development, and then hand them over to users. However, some of our mainframe factories are still not familiar with the “one-step” injection molding of hollow plastic molding machine molds. In order to save development costs and manufacture their own molds, the products not only fail to meet the quality standards, but also make The image of the host has had a bad influence.    

Domestic hollow blow molding machine operation and debugging or there are many misunderstandings


    Second, the technical level of the mold does not meet the requirements


    The mold for the blow-molding hollow plastic molding machine is different from the injection molding mold and has its own characteristics. In the mold of the blow molding hollow plastic molding machine, the key is to inject the mold of the parison. The material of the mold has special requirements for its performance, the heat expansion and contraction coefficient is small, the heat transfer efficiency is high, the thermal conductivity is high, and the structure of the mold is heat flow. Road form. From the current level of mold technology in China, it is still impossible to develop a mold for producing a blown blown hollow plastic molding machine that meets the quality standards. It is understood that some mold factories do not know which material to use for the injection molding blown hollow plastic molding machine. How can we develop the mold?


    Third, the mold factory lacks input


    The lack of investment in the mold factory has made the mold technology level undeveloped. It is understood that the mold factory that develops and manufactures injection-blown hollow plastic molding machines abroad has its own injection-blowing hollow plastic molding machine, and the developed molds must be repeatedly tested on the main machine until the requirements are met. However, there is no mold factory in China that has purchased a injection-blown hollow plastic molding machine as a prototype for the development of a mold for injection-blown hollow plastic molding machines.


    Fourth, there are misunderstandings in development ideas


    The development of hollow plastic molding machines, enterprises only focus on host development, ignoring mold development. The injection blown hollow plastic molding machine is a combination of the main machine and the mold. From the importance of the main machine and the mold to the whole machine, the main machine only accounts for 40% of the whole machine, and the mold accounts for 60% of the whole machine. . The successful development of the mainframe does not mean that the development of the whole machine is successful. Only when the host and the mold are jointly developed successfully, can the development of the injection blown hollow plastic molding machine be successful. The key technology of Japan's "three-station" and Japan's Japanese-style "four-station" models is the mold, and some of our plastic machinery factories did not correctly recognize the host and mold during the development of the injection-blown hollow plastic molding machine. The relationship between the people only pays attention to the development of the host, but does not put the development mold in a more important position. The main reason for the failure is here.