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Automobile hollow blow molding machine is an important basic process equipment of automobile industry. In automobile production, more than 90% of parts need to be formed by hollow blow molding machines, and 60% to 70% of metal parts need to be formed by plastic processing. Stamping is one of the most basic, traditional, and one of the most important metal processing methods for metal plastic forming. In the development of new models, 90% of the work is carried out around the body, and about 60% of the development cost is used for the development of the body, stamping process and equipment. About 40% of the cost in vehicle manufacturing is for body stampings and their assembly.

At present, the world's automobile manufacturing industry is facing serious challenges of fierce market competition. In the development of new energy vehicles, multi-country competition is flourishing. The development cycle of new car models has been shortened from the past 1.5 years to about 1 year. And it will continue to shorten.

The manufacturing cycle of the automobile stamping hollow blow molding machine is an important factor that affects the speed of the launch of new models. The quality of the automobile stamping hollow blow molding machine largely determines the appearance and quality of the car itself, so the stamping hollow blow molding machine determines the car The key factor for the success of new model development.

1. Development status of foreign automotive hollow blow molding machine industry

Foreign major automobile companies attach great importance to the design and manufacturing technology development of automobile hollow blow molding machines. Each major automobile company has its own hollow blow molding machine manufacturing plant, which produces hollow blow molding machines for key parts of automobiles, especially the main Hollow blow molding machine for exterior parts. For example, the Japanese company's stamping hollow blow molding machine factory is one of the world's largest and most advanced automobile hollow blow molding machine manufacturers. Although the factory has a strong manufacturing capacity for hollow blow molding machines, it does not produce all the hollow blow molding machines required by Toyota. It is mainly responsible for the stamping process of vehicle parts and the coordination and design of the vehicle hollow blow molding machines. Hollow blow molding machines for main parts such as cover parts, and hollow blow molding machines for floors and skeletons are all manufactured by outside contract, and the self-made rate of hollow blow molding machines is about 60%.

In addition to the hollow blow molding machine factory of automobile manufacturers, there are a large number of professional companies specialized in hollow blow molding machines for the automobile manufacturing industry, which have a high status in the international hollow blow molding machine manufacturing industry. For example, COMAU Auto Hollow Blow Molding Machine Company has the ability to develop hollow blow molding machines of 10 models per year. The hollow blow molding machines it manufactures include multi-station transfer die, multi-station progressive die (continuous die), and hydroforming die. , Metal thermoforming mold and prototype hollow blow molding machine, etc. In order to shorten the design and manufacturing time of the hollow blow molding machine and reduce the cost, many of the design and manufacturing of the hollow blow molding machine of COMAU company are outsourced to outside companies to complete. Therefore, there are many hollow blow molding machine design companies and machining companies serving and cooperating in its surroundings, so that it can make better use of related resources. The delivery period of the company's large-scale hollow blow molding machine is 4 to 6 months. In addition, Qingdao Xinjingcheng Precision Technology Co., Ltd. can independently design and manufacture multi-station transfer dies, multi-station progressive dies (continuous dies), hydroforming dies, metal thermoforming dies and prototype hollow blow molding machines.

Specialized production is a significant feature of the automotive blow molding machine industry. Specialized division of labor is an inevitable development trend to improve production efficiency, shorten the design and manufacturing cycle of hollow blow molding machines, and ensure the quality of hollow blow molding machines. For example, some companies only manufacture hollow blow molding machines with integral side panels, front fenders, hood inner and outer panels, door inner and outer panels, trunk inner and outer panels and other main covering hollow blow molding machines, and the rest are completed by peripheral cooperative factories.

The professional production of hollow blow molding machines has made hollow blow molding machine enterprises more prominent in Baiji's core business, which is conducive to accumulating rich experience in product development, production management and service, and can provide high-quality, Low-cost hollow blow molding machine.

Another notable feature of the development of the foreign automotive hollow blow molding machine industry is the wide application of various high and new technologies, so that the design and manufacturing technology level of the automotive hollow blow molding machine has reached an unprecedented height. These new technologies that strongly promote the rapid development of the automotive hollow blow molding machine industry include digital hollow blow molding machine technology, stamping process simulation, high-speed processing, automated processing, tailored welded plate and high-strength steel plate stamping technology, and information management technology. Automotive lightweight technology, such as the application of tailor-welded plates and high-strength steel plates, has pushed the automotive stamping process and hollow blow molding machine design and manufacturing technology to a higher level. The advanced manufacturing technology represented by high-speed processing and automated processing has refined the manufacturing equipment of automotive hollow blow molding machines and greatly improved the production efficiency and processing accuracy of hollow blow molding machines. The information management technology represented by MIS, MES, ERP has greatly improved the management level of hollow blow molding machine enterprises, and made the management more scientific. It has played an important role in shortening the production cycle of hollow blow molding machines and reducing the cost of hollow blow molding machines. effect.

Economic globalization has had a profound impact on the international automotive hollow blow molding machine manufacturing industry. In recent years, industrialized countries have continuously shifted the production of low- and mid-range hollow blow molding machines to developing countries, including China, and are increasingly Go to these countries to purchase hollow blow molding machines to reduce their automobile production costs. In spite of this, we should clearly see that the automotive hollow blow molding machine industry in industrially developed countries still maintains its core competitiveness, and still has obvious advantages in the design and manufacturing technology of large, precise and complex hollow blow molding machines, especially It also occupies an irreplaceable position in the technology of high-end car hollow blow molding machines.

2. The development status of the domestic automobile blow molding machine industry

Since 2000, my country's automobile industry has developed rapidly. In 2010, the total output of automobiles has exceeded 18 million. New energy vehicles have also been listed as strategic emerging industries by the country, and will develop rapidly under the guidance of national policies. Driven by energy-saving and emission-reduction policies, automobile lightweight technology will be paid more and more attention. The rapid development of my country's automobile industry has provided a strong market demand for automotive hollow blow molding machines, promoted the rapid development of the automotive hollow blow molding machine industry, and rapidly improved the overall level of the automotive hollow blow molding machine industry. Ten years ago, my country's automotive stamping hollow blow molding machine industry was still limited to a few key enterprises such as FAW, Dongfeng, Tianqi, Chengfei, and Nanqi. Now it has grown to about 200. A large number of private enterprises have developed rapidly, and have a considerable scale, and have become an important part of my country's automotive hollow blow molding machine industry.

At present, there are more than 10 enterprises with an output value of over RMB 100 million for auto stamping blow molding machines in China, and about 20 companies with RMB 50 million to RMB 100 million. These enterprises are the main force of my country's automobile blow molding machine industry. At present, the annual output value of China's automotive stamping hollow blow molding machine has reached about 9 billion yuan. In terms of capacity, the current production capacity has exceeded 10 billion yuan, of which the output value of Tianjin Automotive Hollow Blow Molding Machine Co., Ltd. has reached about 800 million yuan. .

Before 2001, China's automobile stamping hollow blow molding machine manufacturers also mainly produced truck body hollow blow molding machines. With the substantial improvement of the overall strength and technical level of China's automobile hollow blow molding machine industry, car hollow blow molding machines Now it has become the leading product of automobile hollow blow molding machine manufacturing enterprises, and it is also the embodiment of automobile stamping hollow blow molding machine. Automobile stamping hollow blow molding machine enterprises in the first echelon, such as FAW, Tianqi, Dongfeng and Chengfei, can now manufacture major coverings such as fenders, integral side panels, four doors and three covers and large complex floors for cars The whole process of hollow blow molding machine has realized the leap from the hollow blow molding machine of low-end cars to the hollow blow molding machine of high-end cars.

In the past five years, among the dozens of independently developed and joint-venture vehicles that have been launched in my country, more than 50% of the hollow blow molding machines and clips required for their production were manufactured by domestic automobile hollow blow molding machine companies. my country's automotive hollow blow molding machine industry now has the ability to produce hollow blow molding machines for mid-range cars. Some car 0EM manufacturers have handed over the entire B-segment hollow blow molding machine to my country's hollow blow molding machine manufacturers, which reflects the rapid improvement of the design and manufacturing level of my country's automotive hollow blow molding machine industry. New types of hollow blow molding machines such as multi-functional hollow blow molding machines, high-efficiency multi-piece stamping hollow blow molding machines, multi-station hollow blow molding machines, progressive molds for large and medium-sized skeleton parts, etc. have begun to start, tailored welded blanks and high-strength plate hollow blow molding The development level of the machine has been steadily improved, and 870MP or higher high-strength plates and laser welding plates with different thicknesses can be produced in China. As new products of some enterprises, these types of hollow blow molding machines have gradually occupied the domestic market, and some even entered the international market.

China's automotive hollow blow molding machine industry has improved significantly in terms of equipment in recent years. Many companies have purchased a large number of advanced hollow blow molding machine processing equipment, including 35-axis high-speed plus T centers, large gantry machining centers, CNC milling machines, multi-axis CNC laser cutting machine, etc., as well as humanoid measurement and debugging equipment. In addition to hardware equipment, most enterprises are also equipped with advanced software, including CAD/CAE/CAM software and enterprise information management software. Therefore, the design level and manufacturing capacity of my country's auto stamping hollow blow molding machine enterprises have been greatly improved. In the past, it was difficult for an enterprise to complete the production of a full-body hollow blow molding machine within a year, but now some key enterprises already have this ability. Some enterprises also have the ability to complete a full set of hollow blow molding machines for 4-5 models at the same time through industry collaboration. According to the calculation of the existing equipment level, the country already has the ability to complete a hollow blow molding machine for about 30 vehicle models a year.

A trend in the development of my country's automobile-hollow blow molding machine industry in recent years is that in addition to developing their own production capacity, some industries have also strengthened the cooperation, coordination and collaboration between enterprises. The domestic automotive blow molding machine industry has reached consensus on forming strategic alliances and facing the market together, and has begun various forms of cooperation. For example, the "leading" hollow blow molding machine enterprise, after taking on the task of the whole vehicle hollow blow molding machine, in addition to completing the overall coordination and key hollow blow molding machine itself, also according to the complexity, difficulty, The specialized division of labor and its capabilities and specialties of the enterprise have handed over some hollow blow molding machines to many companies for manufacturing. Because this kind of cooperation between enterprises can make each enterprise complement each other, complement each other's advantages, can reasonably allocate resources, exert group advantages, and achieve the purpose of mutual benefit, cooperation, win-win, and common development. Or alliance has become an important trend in the development of China's automotive hollow blow molding machine industry.

Another notable feature of the development of my country's automotive hollow blow molding machine industry is the widespread application of high and new technologies, the rapid improvement of technological level, and the continuous enhancement of independent innovation capabilities. At present, CAD/CAE/CAM technology has been widely used in China's automotive hollow blow molding machine industry. Most companies can use CAD design software to design two-dimensional or three-dimensional hollow blow molding machines, and realize the numerical control of hollow blow molding machines. . In addition to the application of commercial CAD software for the design of hollow blow molding machines, many companies have also conducted secondary development of CAD software. For example, FAW Hollow Blow Molding Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and Qingdao Xinjingcheng Precision Technology Co., Ltd. have used the stamping hollow blow molding machine knowledge template to realize the modular design and parametric design of the drawing die and compression die. Enterprises such as Tianjin Auto Hollow Blow Molding Machine Co., Ltd. have established a standard parts library for hollow blow molding machines, and realized the comprehensive application of the three-dimensional design of hollow blow molding machines. Now, many hollow blow molding machine companies have been able to use CAE technology to analyze the stamping process, predict forming defects, optimize the stamping process and hollow blow molding machine structure; some companies have also done a lot in the analysis of high-strength plate CAE forming and their own experience database Fruitful work. All of these have a good effect on shortening the development cycle of hollow blow molding machines and improving the quality of hollow blow molding machines. The software conditions designed and manufactured by hollow blow molding machine enterprises have basically reached or approached the international level.

The detection technology level of domestic hollow blow molding machines has also been significantly improved in recent years. The use of coordinate measuring equipment has generally played an important role in ensuring the quality of hollow blow molding machines. In particular, the application of Atos optical scanning equipment has greatly improved the inspection efficiency in the inspection of hollow blow molding machines, the inspection of stamping parts, the repair and replication of hollow blow molding machines, etc. Many companies apply coordinate scanning equipment and reverse engineering software to the measurement of prototypes and hollow blow molding machines. Through reverse engineering, CAD models are used for the development of hollow blow molding machine products and the repair of hollow blow molding machines. Ability to develop and serve customers.

In recent years, the management level and capabilities of domestic automotive hollow blow molding machine companies have also been continuously improved. In order to change the non-standard and backward management methods and the actual situation of the company, many companies are gradually establishing their own characteristics and meeting the market. Demand management model. Many enterprises have implemented information management systems, and implemented PDM systems in product design and technology management; implemented information management in document management, knowledge management, workflow management, project management, and authority management, thereby improving design The efficiency and management level have achieved good results. At the same time, talent management has also been paid more and more attention by enterprises. Some large-scale backbone blow molding machine companies have also established project-based information management systems throughout the entire production process, including project planning, workload distribution, plan execution process tracking, quality status monitoring and other functions.

In the process of the development of automobile hollow blow molding machine companies, people have profoundly realized that "technology is the driving force for enterprise development, and management is the soul of enterprise development."

Although China's automotive hollow blow molding machine industry has achieved rapid development, it still has a large gap compared with the international advanced level, especially in enterprise management and talent, the gap is more prominent, design, processing, debugging and standardization, etc. There are also many gaps, and we must pay attention to them.

3. The development trend of automobile stamping hollow blow molding machine technology

At present, stamping technology is developing in the direction of precision, multi-function, high efficiency and energy saving, safe and clean and intelligent production. Body stamping technology also presents new trends such as modularity, automation, milling stamping and special forming technologies. Automotive stamping hollow blow molding machine has good development prospects. When its development trend coincides with the development direction of stamping technology, multi-station automated intelligent hollow blow molding machine and high-performance hollow blow molding machine serving intelligent production will gradually become The focus of future technological development. In the development of the domestic and international automotive blow molding machine industry, in addition to the specialization of production, sophisticated equipment, international management, and the development of industry strategic alliances, etc., have become important features, the development of hollow blow molding machine technology shows the following trends : Including 3D design technology, stamping process simulation (CAE) technology, manufacturability design (DFM) technology, intelligent profile design technology, manufacturing process CAPP, CAM, CAT technology, concurrent engineering and collaborative design, and virtual manufacturing Digital technology of hollow blow molding machine, etc.; various hollow blow molding machine processing automation including hollow blow molding machine surface and structural surface processing, high-speed machining, integrated machining center, photoelectric control system, workpiece online measurement system, etc. Technology; high-strength plate stamping technology and laser tailor-welded plate stamping technology related to high-strength steel plate application; development includes multi-station automatic hollow blow molding machine, progressive die, multi-function die, hot press forming die, hydroforming die , Light metal and composite material forming dies and other new hollow blow molding machines and die clip integrated products; development of special cast iron and high-performance hollow blow molding machine materials and related material processing and various surface strengthening technologies; including lean production processes And ERP, CRM, SCM, PM, PD