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Two-step blow molding machine material in the PE blow molding machine type WLK combined with a single shaft by blow molding into particles in the range of 40 mm, followed up, and then using PE blow molding machine is blown 3 ~ 10 mm of grain, which is especially blowing The information described before the second blow of the plastic.

In order to prevent problems with PE blow molding machines, it is necessary to continue to maintain proper maintenance, which is often difficult to ensure by manual operation.

Once the feed is too much, it usually leads to uneven blow molding, and a high-noise attack, the result is that the accumulation of material or damage to the material weakens its heat because of conflict.

In addition, the high sensitivity of information is cumbersome, and a high frequent replacement blade edge wear remains to be seen.

Compared to the blow molding machine that can be charged after the two-step PE blow molding machine, the hopper plays a buffering role.

Feeding a complete set of optimized production processes in this way means serious, because the operator does not want to operate the blow molding machine continuously, and then is busy with other work.

After switching between the stop manipulating, the blown particles are now added to New Zealand very well in the secondary type blow molding machine.

Put two PE blow molding machines to choose one as one higher than the other, or one after the other.

The operation of the cutting machine of the secondary PE blow molding machine is based on the operation, and the specially designed particles are in the blow molding process. Compared to the general type of blow molding machine, the second generation of blow molding machines has a smaller volume and completes the transmission system with less energy.

Because of its uniform feeding, working at a speed of about 450 minutes, there has never been a problem. When such a PE blow molding machine is used for the second damage to the blow molding material, the noise level and speed attack are also processed in a much lower step.